How can we let families and friends of addicts know about Nar-Anon? By doing outreach to spread awareness! The focus of outreach is to let families and friends of addicts know that help is available. Step Twelve invites us to carry Nar-Anon’s message of hope to others. Outreach offers a way to carry the message by increasing awareness of Nar-Anon Family Groups. The focus of outreach is to let families and friends of addicts and professionals who may come in contact with them know that help is available. Spreading awareness through outreach assists in the growth of local groups, areas, and regions and the fellowship as a whole. Copyright 2016 Nar-Anon Family Group Headquarters, Inc. Used with permission.
OUTREACH RACKS - Can be Borrowed, there are [2] available for Outreach Events
Church events Community events Hospital ER rooms Doctors’ offices Middle and High Schools Treatment centers Detox centers Community, courthouse or probation office bulletin boards Employee assistance centers